How to work with POS register
POS is a working place of waiter or cashier, where they will add products to receipts, make discounts and receive payments for orders.
Install application for waiters
To prepare a working place of waiter or cashier, download Poster POS for iOS, Android Windows, or macOS depending on your device.
iOS |
Android |
Windows |
macOS |
iOS 13+ iPad Air 2 iPad Mini 4, iPad Pro or higher |
Android 7.0+ 7″ Size 1024×600 Screen 2 GB RAM |
Windows 8.1+ 1.8 GHz CPU 4 GB RAM |
macOS X 10.12+ Intel Core 4 GB RAM |
Log into the POS
To start sales log into your POS:
- Launch Poster app on your tablet or computer.
- Enter POS login and POS password.
- Click Login.
- Enter your PIN.
- Enter the change Balance to start a shift.
- Click Open.
☝️ Find or change your register password in the management console. Go to Access → Registers and press Edit near your POS.
☝️ Log into the POS with owner email and password from Access → Employees.
💡 To help your waiter navigate in floor plan faster, tables are colored different:
- grey displays a vacant table;
- blue displays an order created by the currently logged-in employee;
- violet displays an order created by the other employee;
💡 Turn off the guest count feature in Settings → General → Point of Sale settings to To add ordered products after selecting a table instantly.
💡 Turn off the Show floor plan feature in Settings → General, in case your cafe operates in a To Go mode only.
Make a test sale
To make a test sale add products in receipt on the POS:
- Choose table on the floor plan and enter guest count.
- Tap product in the menu which is shown in the right part of the screen.
- In open receipt, in the left part of the screen tap near amount of product and choose:
- “+” to add one more same dish;
- “-” to delete one product from receipt.
- Press Pay.
Message us to clear sale tests before starting to work with Poster.
Make a sales report on POS
To control sales you can make a sales report by hours:
- Tap ≡ in the right upper corner and choose Make a report.
- Choose date and time of report period.
- In Waiter field choose from drop-down list:
- All waiters to make a report of all staff sales in chosen period.
- Waiter name to make a report of exact waiter sales.
- Turn on Sales by products to display names, count and price of sold products.
- Tap Make report.
- Tap Print in right upper corner to print report on ticket printer.
💡 To control receipts history and their amount by period, check receipts report.
Add POS transaction to record a non-sale income or expense:
- Expense is the cost of the electricity used, rent or salaries.
- Income is a deposit of cash to the cash drawer.
- Safe drop is a transfer of daily proceeds between “Cash drawer” and “Safe deposit” account.
To add a transaction on the register:
- Click ≡ at the upper right corner of the screen and select Add transaction.
- Select a type of transaction: Expense, Income or Safe drop.
- Enter the transaction amount and write a comment.
- Select a transaction Category available at POS.
- Click Done.

💡 You can view all transactions that were added on the register or in the management console in Finances → Transactions.
☝️ If you add a transaction on the register, it will be automatically assigned to the “Cash shift” category. You can change category in Finances → Cash shifts in the management console. Click on the cash shift to view expense and income transactions.
💡 To make your transaction categories available on the POS:
- Go to the Finances → Categories tab in the management console.
- Enable Display on the POS next to the category.
- Restart the Poster POS app to apply changes.
- Go to ≡ → Add transaction to select a transaction category, type, and sum.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We're available in chat and email